Volo - Avec Son Frère
Not without my brother
The Volovitch brothers go on their own sweet way. Far from fashion, far from star-system, far from Auto-Tune, far from music awards.
Definitevely rid of their teenage farces and other ribaldries, their salt-and-pepper songwriting gained in maturity, in density and in subtlety again.
So this 2020 cru is pure Volo. Musically, nothing new, and even a few repetitions ("Je me Demande Quand" = "La Crise", "Contre Lune" = "Aucun Doute", "En Vérité" = "Tu Connais"). Only "De mon Mieux" looks a bit like De Palmas. Textually, very very good. Stirring. Starting with this story of 2 brothers who could have been them if they hadn’t been lucky to be born on this side of the Mediterranean. That’s the way they introduce this song ("Avec Son Frère") in concert. It makes me blubber each time. Like "African Tour" from Francis Cabrel. Same topic, same effect. And same writing quality.
Volo’s big strength is to know how to bring closer some global green-sociological statements with the ordinary everyday life of people from too narrow a perspective ("Bout de Trottoir").
No longer young but not old yet, an eye forwards and an eye backwards, nostalgia over the shoulder ("Jeune et Beau", "Disons"), they take a break in their happy father busy life to narrate it ("Heures Pleines", "Un Peu, Beaucoup", "Joséphine"). Before they follow, at the same pace, their own sweet way.
"Je me Demande Quand" contains too much length at the end, with this sentence they wanted to repeat 99 times perhaps (?)
"Depuis Quand" is very short, on disturbing very concise lyrics of which the paragraphs are repeated to make their sense appear more to you, and ends very fast, without your seeing, as if moving on to something else quickly was needed. The words "depuis quand?" (“since when?”) – the first question being asked by someone who’s wife has a lover – mean here “why?”
At last, did they put "C'est Toi" in again to extend the album (51:39 of total length)? Anyway, I can’t figure out what it brings compared to the 2012 version. -
Avec Son Frère
Jeune et Beau
Bout de Trottoir -
Chanson d'Automne
The sentence
« De l'immonde ou de la connerie, qu'est-ce qui serait encore plus pourri que de faire une coupe du monde chez les Qataris ? » ("Je me Demande Quand")
...And now, listen!
Created22 May 2020