Alexandre Fortuit - Balthazar OST
Balthazar battle
What about a whole review made up entirely of questions? Do you think I'm going to make it?
Why are today's series more willing to use already existing music rather than, as here, tailor-made compositions that give it appropriate colour and coherence?
Who is Alexandre Fortuit, the Parisian composer living in New York? What else has he done before? How did he reach that point? What is he preparing at the moment?
Would the series be the same without this great soundtrack? (no)
What better way to depict the nocturnal, lunar and solitary nature of the title character? What better way to guarantee the unity of a soundtrack than to find here and there the main theme, the famous 4 notes followed by their echo ("Autopsie", "Balthazar Theme", "Balt et Lise", "Ne Sois-pas Amère")?
What instruments are in there, since there are no vocals (except maybe in "Love theme")? Synthesizer of course, and then? Percussion, strings, what's next? Isn't that handpan on "Réparer les Âmes"?
Why include a pompous song, kind of a theme song for a sporting event ("Ouvre les Yeux")? In fact, shouldn't I re-watch the whole series to put the right images, the right scenes, on each track? But do I have the courage, the time, or even just the inclination for that? More generally, should film or series music be limited to accompanying the action, as close as possible, or can it be listened to outside too and live its own life?
What other questions could I ask about this series? Why is it called Balthazar? Is there anything to do with the Belgian rock band of the same name? Or is it just a coincidence?
Aren't we a little tired of crime series with a duo of fundamentally-opposed-investigators and more or less in love with each other? Is it really a good idea to make the forensic pathologist the main character of the crime series? (yes) Did the change of female partner in the 4th and penultimate season really boost ratings? And most importantly, is Tomer Sisley really annoying?
What if I stopped asking questions and let you listen to the music in peace?
Should we start a new series of questions? Why are there so many short tracks, sometimes less than a minute long ("Autopsie", "Home Sweet Home"), which resemble sketches more than pieces? Wasn't it possible to develop them a little more?
Will you be one of those who switch directly to the last 2 tracks ("Un Frère", "Goodbye") to finally have a bit of length, and a bit of epic, like a feature film – good songs but maybe a little more formulaic? -
Love Theme
Balthazar Theme -
Ouvre les Yeux
- (136 Hits)
...And now, listen!
Created31 December 2023