Agnes ObelMyopiaLong-sited
Animal TristeInterviewCreatures of the night
I Am StramgramInterviewDepending on the mood
Magali MichautInterviewWriting and rewriting
the HyènesVerdureHyenas don’t eat verdure
Marie-FloreJe Sais Pas si Ça VaHow am I? Fine when listening
Mickaël MazaleyratPlanètePlanet airy
LylacI'm the StrangerStranger in the light
KwoonAlive (A Live Experience)And kicking
les GoguettesLe Temps Béni de la PandémiePandemicrofun
Mathis PoulinAllons de l'AvantMove for words
Nadja ZelaGreetings to Andromeda. RequiemAndroidmedal
I am StramgramWhen the Noise Becomes too LoudIn praise of the mute
/A\Ambitious with a capital /A\
Emilie ZoéHello Future MeBack to the future
Cats On TreesAlieAllied Forces
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